Honda CBR600F Specs

The Honda CBR600F is a 598cc bike. See all specifications of the Honda CBR600F (1987 - 1990) such as its weight, engine specs, top speed and horsepower.

Honda CBR600F (1987 - 1990) motorcycle

Honda CBR600F (1987 - 1990)

Engine Specifications

The Honda CBR600F is a 598cc bike. Its 4-stroke inline 4 engine has a power output of 62 kW and torque output of 44 ft-lb.

Top Speed & Horsepower

The maximum speed of the Honda CBR600F motorcycle is around 140 mph (225 km/h). Its horsepower is approximately 85 bhp.

Weight & Seat Height

The Honda CBR600F weighs around 199 kg (438 lbs). Its seat height is 770 mm (30.3 inches). It is a middleweight motorcycle suitable for short riders.

Fuel Consumption

The fuel tank capacity of the Honda CBR600F is 17 litres. Its fuel consumption is around 44 mpg (18 km/l). The bike can provide up to 160 miles (257 kilometres) of fuel tank range. It has an average fuel economy.

Price & Road Tax (UK)

The price of the Honda CBR600F motorcycle is £4,500. The annual road tax is £84. The prices are valid for 2025, and they are subject to change.

More Specs & Reviews

For more technical specifications of the Honda CBR600F motorcycle, check out the full specs table below.

Additionally, you can also read the MCN review of this bike.

Engine typeInline 4
Engine strokes4-Stroke
Engine size598cc
Power output62 kW
Torque output44 ft-lb
Top speed140 mph
Horsepower85 bhp
Weight199 kg
Seat height770 mm
Front tyre size110/80-17
Rear tyre size130/80-17
Fuel tank size17 litres
Fuel tank range160 miles
Fuel consumption44 mpg
Oil capacity3.4 litres
Annual road tax£87
Overall rating