Rieju MRT200 LC Pro Comp Specs

The Rieju MRT200 LC Pro Comp is a 250cc bike. See all specifications of the Rieju MRT200 LC Pro Comp (2010 onwards) such as its weight, engine specs, top speed and horsepower.

Rieju MRT200 LC Pro Comp (2010 onwards) motorcycle

Rieju MRT200 LC Pro Comp (2010 onwards)


Engine Specifications

The Rieju MRT200 LC Pro Comp is a 250cc bike. Its 4-stroke single cylinder engine has a power output of 14 kW and torque output of 32 ft-lb.

Top Speed & Horsepower

The maximum speed of the Rieju MRT200 LC Pro Comp motorcycle is around 75 mph (120 km/h). Its horsepower is approximately 19 bhp.

Weight & Seat Height

The Rieju MRT200 LC Pro Comp weighs around 98 kg (216 lbs). Its seat height is 945 mm (37.2 inches). It is a lightweight motorcycle suitable for tall riders.

Fuel Consumption

The fuel tank capacity of the Rieju MRT200 LC Pro Comp is 9.5 litres. Its fuel consumption is around 75 mpg (31 km/l). The bike can provide up to 158 miles (254 kilometres) of fuel tank range. It has an above-average fuel economy.

Price & Road Tax (UK)

The price of the Rieju MRT200 LC Pro Comp motorcycle is £3,900. The annual road tax is £55. The prices are valid for 2025, and they are subject to change.

More Specs & Reviews

For more technical specifications of the Rieju MRT200 LC Pro Comp motorcycle, check out the full specs table below.

Additionally, you can also read the MCN review of this bike.

Engine typeSingle Cylinder
Engine strokes4-Stroke
Engine size250cc
Power output14 kW
Torque output32 ft-lb
Top speed75 mph
Horsepower19 bhp
Weight98 kg
Seat height945 mm
Front tyre size90/90-21
Rear tyre size140/80-18
Fuel tank size9.5 litres
Fuel tank range158 miles
Fuel consumption75 mpg
Oil capacity1.2 litres
Annual road tax£57
Overall rating